Last update: September 09, 2022
My ethical commitment
The trainer Alexis Rosso undertakes to:
Article 1: Exercise its activity by applying the general principles of professional ethics: respect for the human person, independence of judgment and action, honesty, neutrality, respect for professional confidentiality.
Article 2: Analyze the needs, clearly specify the objective to be achieved and make the client process understood.
Article 3: Establish a contract or agreement prior to any action, clearly specifying the service and the
remuneration provided, as well as the conditions of intervention in the event of subcontracting or co-contracting.
Article 4: Engage within the limits of one skills and availability.
Article 5: Fully respect the commitments made.
Article 6: Provide accurate information on his training and specific professional skills.
Article 7: Implement all its skills whatever the action, the client, the beneficiaries and the price.
Article 8: Exercise its action in the common interest of the client and the beneficiaries of the actions, by implementing the means necessary to achieve the contractualized objectives.
Article 9: Quickly inform his client or his sponsor of any element likely to harm the achievement of the objectives or the smooth running of the actions.
Article 10: Remain neutral with regard to influence games with your client and express no judgment on your client with the beneficiaries of the actions.
Article 11: Respect the confidentiality of information concerning your client.
Article 12: Respect the culture of the client organization.
Article 13: Respect everyone personality and refrain from any form of discrimination.
Article 14: Prohibit any abuse or abuse of power related to its position and not subordinate the interests of its clients to its own interests.
Article 15: Do not overstep one role and beware of any psychological or therapeutic abuse.
Article 16: Equip yourself with the means necessary for your professionalism and the development of your skills.
Article 17: Know and apply the rules in force in your profession.
Article 18: Beware of any disparaging remarks towards a colleague with customers.
Article 19: Know and apply the laws and regulations and, in particular, part VI of the Labor Code for continuing vocational training actions and feel informed of their evolution.
Article 20: Be in good standing with respect to any legal and fiscal obligation.